Raspberry pi radbeacon
Raspberry pi radbeacon


determine where in your home the beacon isīy adding enough pi-servers you can cover the whole house as the range is ~ 20 meters or 1-2 wooden walls set triggers: If device xx/status changed to “up” you are coming home, if it changes to down or expired you are gone. When enabled: a message is send to fingscan, FINGSCAN then uses the up/down info to be used in Events like iFindStuff or MotherCookie devices.After a defined time if no signal is received from ANY pi-server for a BLE-beacon the plugin status will be set to DOWN from UP and to EXPIRED from DOWN.

raspberry pi radbeacon

If a BLE device has send a msg (they do this each 0.1.10 seconds) the status of the beacon device will be set to “up”.


You can create a list of MAC numbers you want to exclude from being tracked (can be reversed later) in the plugin menu.


  • Then the plugin will create/update a device with the name "beacon-MAC#" of the bluetooth device in the indigo folder piBeacons.
  • If a NEW device is found or a down device reappears a (curl) message will be send immediately(~0.5-1 second) through the indigo web server which will populate a variable and the plugin is listening to any changes in these variables.
  • Each Pi server collects messages from all devices in their range and will send updates once a minute (can be changed) to the plugin.
  • It will contain STATES: Pi_#_Signal,Pi_#_Distance, Pi_#_Time, x,y,z position at your home from each pi-server#.
  • The plugin will create one indigo device for each BLE device found.
  • The plugin piBeacon will communicate with and configure 1-10 raspberyPi's to be detectors for the BLE devices.
  • They are set/managed and read by the plugin ,see if you like you can connect sensors or digital inputs or outputs to the rPi.

    raspberry pi radbeacon

    a bluetooth dongle connected to the USB port on the rPi (rpi3 comes with all required devices included)ĥ. The reaction time is ~ 5-10 seconds to show UP when the Phone enters the range of an rPi.Ī simple step by step for a basic setup is here:Īnd the word file, if someone was to add:ģ. This means you can use your (i)Phone as presence detector. It will deliver info UP/Down RSSI and TxPower -can be used similar to an iBeacon. It will initiate a connection, wait for the first package back and stop. With V > 1.17 you can connect to any BLE enabled device.

    raspberry pi radbeacon

  • With version >1.8 you can attached different sensors (temp, humidity, pressure, light, analog voltage, resistor measurements, IR switches, PIR, gyroscope, magnetometer, microwave sensor etc) and use GPIO pins or a DAC as output to drive e.g.
  • The UUIDs can be the same, - The plugin will be using the MAC number to identify each iBeacon and show the UUID-Major-Minor in the notes field.
  • It will allow bluetooth v4 (BLE) iBeacons to be used as presence detector devices with very fast reaction time (~ 0.5 seconds) and independent of any internet connection.Įach iBeacon has a unique MAC number as well as a UUID-Major-Minor number.

  • Raspberry pi radbeacon