Spinal cord stimulator gone wrong
Spinal cord stimulator gone wrong

spinal cord stimulator gone wrong

Everyone seems focused on some aspect as to how it was placed in their body.

spinal cord stimulator gone wrong

I don't think I've read almost any comments about the functionality of the stimulator itself, meaning whether or not it actually relieves their pain. That seems to be the main complaint - that some aspect of how the doctor placed it inside their body was somehow wrong, or was done in a way that left them vulnerable to feeling pain, or to having the stimulator shift, or the leads detach, or some other malady related to implantation. Virtually everyone who complains about their stimulator is not technically complaining about the stimulator itself, their complaints seem more centered on the implantation itself. While there haven't been a large number of comments about spinal cord stimulators on here (maybe a dozen or so), but I've noticed a distinct pattern in all of the comments about these stimulators. I've been reading this message board since shortly after I got my stimulator implanted permanently.

spinal cord stimulator gone wrong

The battery is implanted in my right butt cheek. And of course at the other end the two leads are connected to my battery. I have what is called the "paddle" version of the stimulator, which means the leads that go up my spine are connected at the top to a paddle that looks somewhat like a flattened end of a spoon.

Spinal cord stimulator gone wrong trial#

I did a trial version of it for ten days about 3 months prior to the permanent implantation. I've had a Nevro spinal cord stimulator in me permanently since June 2018.

Spinal cord stimulator gone wrong